
"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one." G R R Martin

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Weekly Book Review: June 30th 2015

WeightlessWeightless by Sarah Bannan

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

***I was gifted with an ARC of this book for my honest review***


Wow... Wow. Often I finish a book and I have an infinite amount of thoughts running through my head but this one has left me with such melancholy. This book was absolutely NOTHING like what I thought it would be. I have never in my life read a book that was written this way. You never really know who is the narrator of this book but you know its someone who is without a doubt witnessing all this hurtful behavior. I am actually from Alabama so when I found out this book was based out of my home state I got excited. I know i know such a dumb reason to add to the fact that i wanted to read it but I mean really does anyone need a specific reason to want to read a story. Nonetheless I am so happy that I got to read this book. It touches on some really taboo subjects. Things that are active in our community today and that I think we should open our eyes more to. I think this book will help open peoples eyes to see that sometimes actions and words really can hurt. I am still with a small empty feeling from this book but I still feel thankful for having the opportunity to have read it. Thank you for this... Its beautifully tragic!

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Saturday, June 27, 2015

MY Favorite Fictional _?

So considering I have taken a dive into my books lately and I cant seem to come back to reality because of it I decided why not have a little fun with my non reality and just answer a few questions from this questionnaire... Please feel free to comment with your responses. I love to see what others thoughts are. SOO without further a do lets get started.

1. Favorite fictional couple? hmmm... ok so this is truly hard for me! I wanna say Augustus Waters & Hazel Grace Lancaster from The Fault In Our Stars but well its kinda hard when 1 of them is no longer with us. Another fictional couple that is my favorite is Jace & Clary from The Mortal Instruments series also cant forget to mention Rosie & Alex from Love Rosie or in other countries the book also goes by the name of Where The Rainbow Ends

2. Favorite fictional character? a favorite fictional character of mine is Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones he has proven that people can look at you and make assumptions and judgements but if you use your intellect & wit then you can have the upper hand in just about any situation. Intelligence really can help you get through life. 

3. Favorite fictional TV show? well thats easy Game of Thrones and if your not watching it and SHAME ON YOUUUU... I have to also throw this out there because I'm literally biting my nails thinking about it. In 2016 The Shadowhunters will premier and if you don't know what that is well its The Mortal Instruments book series turned into a show on ABC family so I will just go ahead and say it now... ITS MY OTHER FAVE!
4. Favorite fictional movie? well thats not fair at all... its like picking a favorite child! off the top of my head The Hobbit and yes I speak of all 3 of them. I cried like a big baby!

5. Favorite fictional villain? hm Sebastian Morgenstern aka Jonathan Morgenstern 

6. Favorite fictional hero? Katniss Everdeen & Clary Fray & Tris Prior... "who run the world, GIRLS!"

7. Favorite fictional pet? Church the cat

8. Favorite fictional setting/universe? HOGWARTS!!!!!!!!!! but also i have an obsession with dystopian societies so any of those... I know i know my chances of survival are not that high but i don't know they just tend to be my favorite. Panem, post apocalyptic Chicago, & the whole Maze Runner era. LOVE!
9. Least favorite fictional couple? thats easy Jamie Lannister & Cersie Lannister.... need i say more?!

10. Least favorite fictional character? Lord Voldemort of course

11. Least favorite fictional TV show? people are gonna hate me on this buuuuuuuut. Pretty Little Liars, ok so before you jump down my throat about this just give me a sec to explain. I had to give up on that series because I got tired of there being this big secret of who was "A" and then not ever really finding out and clues leading to something totally different. I would have moved away by then. honestly just poof GONE! 
12. Least favorite fictional movie?  So it would be a lifetime movie... I don't often find myself on that channel however when I found out that Flowers In The Attic was gonna be turned into a movie I was stocked. Loved that one however they then picked up If There Be Thorns which is the 2nd book in that series and that movie was AWFUL!!!! nothing like the book not even the overall plot to me seemed the same. They killed important characters off really early! 
13. Least favorite fictional villain?  Orks in The Hobbit. I will never get over Kili dying. It still makes my face leak! 

14. Least favorite fictional hero? Elena Gilbert from The Vampire Diaries. I couldn't handle her wailing... Just give it up and ugly cry already. 
15. Least favorite fictional pet? i cant think of any pets that are my least favorite. Sorry!

16. Least favorite fictional setting/universe?  hmmm... Game of Thrones. Ok so here is the thing I only said that answer because my survival would be pretty much non existent. However, let me learn how to wield a sword and horseback ride (I'm scared of horses.... NOT GONNA HAPPEN!) and maybe throw some hatchets and my answer might be different! 

Alright so there you go guys. I hope you enjoy and I will try to continue to keep this blog as updated as possible. 

Also how do you like the new look??????


"If there's a single lesson that life teaches us, it's that wishing doesn't make it so."- Lev Grossman

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