
"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one." G R R Martin

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Healthy Attitude & Look Books!

"A healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier." - Tom Stoppard

That quote above seems to pretty much summarize where my mind has been the last month or so. I know i tend to take a lot of breaks in between my posts but to be honest my intentions for this Blog are not to post on a daily or weekly basis. It was more of a leisure time posting. So I'm sorry if they are not as frequent as you would like but I can guarantee that they will be monthly! :) so heyyyy thats good news right.

So updates on life... My last blog post was actually pretty popular and y'all really enjoyed it. I think thats really funny and I am glad that little questionnaires like that are still entertaining. I love to read them from other people. To me its like going to the book store and just getting an idea of the book by just looking at the cover and reading the back of it. Its enough info about it to entice you into reading it but without giving too much away.

Back in May I did a little modeling & makeup for a photo shoot for Swallows Heart. If you don't know what Swallows Heart is its basically minimalistic handmade jewelry pieces and its now my obsession! So we did a Look Book for her summer pieces and it was ton of fun. The scenery was beautiful and as scared as Meghan & I were about modeling our friend Sophia from Sophia Jordan Photography literally helped us look like we knew what we were doing. It turned out pretty damn good if I do say so myself.... you can click on the picture below and it will take you to the full Look Book!
Swallows Heart Summer 2014 Look Book

We are now planning for a Fall Look Book which I'm pretty stoked about because anyone that knows me knows that I LOVE FALL! (did you notice the all caps lol) I love Fall of all seasons. For many reasons... so here are just a few!

  1. Its not too hot & not too cold
  2. its soo pretty outside
  3. boots
  4. layers (I love layering clothing)
  5. scarfs
  6. dark lipstick (yes you read that right dark lipstick is a must in the fall and well its been something I have loved to rock since I was like 10 years old!)
  7. tan no more ( in high school i used to be obsessed with tanning but the older I have gotten I have learned to appreciate pale skin and to also love it! if it means no wrinkles then I am down(
  8. Fall candles (i am a very aromatic person and i love smelling candles & scents!)
  9. watching the awesome movie specials on Fox Family
  10. Lastly but certainly not least COLLEGE FOOTBALL! (I am obsessed with college football and have been for years!!) 
Anyways in June I decided to make a decision for myself. I needed to do something to make sure I led a healthier life for my family and I took it upon myself to join in the 21 Day Fix Challenge by Beach Body. My friend Erin had talked to me about it for quite sometime & i finally decided that it was time for me to do something about my body and health. My challenge consisted of portioned eating & working out. I started my challenge on July 7th and my last day was July 27th. 

So let me be honest in my expectations from this challenge before I tell you how the rest of my journey on the challenge went. Before I started the challenge I didn't want to loose weight. I weigh on average 125. So to me its never been about the numbers on the scale. I am 5 foot so to me I felt like my weight was not really the issue. My main concentration was to work on my core. I had two prior cessarian so after being cut in half twice my abdominal muscles have never really gone back to what they were. Which I am very accepting of. I know that pregnancy will change things and they may not ever be the same but I needed to do something about it because I was not happy with it. I use to wear bathing suits and hated how the center of my belly jiggled and my legs too. I used to have a muscular body and I knew that if I could get my mind at a place where I wouldn't give up then I could do it! I didn't want to loose anything but gain muscle more then anything. So then comes challenge day and i start eating my meals the way I'm supposed to. The challenge packet said I'm supposed to eat 6 times a day and I will admit that I would get like 5 meals. I still struggle to get all 6 but as long as I'm eating healthy than I will continue to work towards my goal. By that first weekend I had put my bathing suit on again and already I could feel that my body was not jiggling like it used to. We took pictures every sunday to do our comparison.  

Day before I started my challenge 
Day 7
Day 14
Day 21

  As you can see the progress is there.  I am still not where I want to be but I am getting there. I am on my 2nd round of 21 Day Fix and I have added Piyo to my work outs. I can definitely tell you that I am overall happier with everything. It takes time to get the results you want but I am more then willing to put in the hard work to get to my goal. I am loving that working out (after I have finished the work out of course!) and the clean eating as well. I think people really do get the wrong misconception about eating healthy. Everyone thinks that your eating just a few small meals and that its not tasty and in reality its delicious you jut gotta know what spices you can add and how to just make everything your own. Anyways I will continue to update y'all with my progress and your more then welcome to go check my profile out on the beach body site. 

Here is the link:

if you would like more info on the challenge you can go to this link:

  This week I am hoping to finally get back to filming for my youtube channel. Which by the way huge milestone for me because I just found out I have 100 subscribers. I know thats not much for a lot people but it is for me. :) The weather has been insane here in Alaska and we have had straight rain for weeks now so I have not been able to film but finally this week is in the clear and I should be filming. FINGERS CROSSED!!!

Alright well thats a quick enough summary of whats been going on! I hope y'all have a good rest of August!

"Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book..." -author unknown

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